Search Engine Optimization

“Your business has no limits”

SEO is a complex and highly competitive digital marketing technique that can bring you limitless success.  Every business has to advertise their services using numerous non-digital marketing methods and also digital marketing methods.  The aim is to attract potential new business and take the worry out of where your next contract is coming from.

When you contact Universal Digital LTD, our next point of contact would be to discuss your business.  We would like to find out about-

  • You and your business
  • Your goals
  • Your ideas
  • Keywords relating to your industry
  • Local areas you would like to receive clients from

Once we have a brief overview of you, as our client, we can then get to work getting your website ranked on Google.  Every business owner wants to be on the first page of Google.  They get over 5 billion searches per day and if your company could attract a very small percentage of that, you will certainly be on the right path.

Universal Digital LTD will conduct a thorough keyword analysis to generate the strongest keywords connected to your business.  These vary for every single industry, so if we were researching an electrician, we would look at keywords such as house re-wire, fuse board replacement, and lighting circuit re-wire.


With the strongest keywords agreed, we can then start to create the content related to these keywords.  Every article for each keyword has to be around 500-1000 words in length with the chosen keyword duplicated within this article.  When your potential client reads this unique content this will make the conversion from simply browsing your site, to calling you and inquiring about your services, a bit easier for them.  Your content and detail will prove to them that you are superior to your competitors.


For potential clients to get the chance to read your outstanding content we want your site ranked on Googles SERP’s (search engines ranked pages) at the very top.  To do this, Google’s spiders will begin to crawl your site’s pages and collect specific data on these pages.  Googles spiders is a robot.txt software which is also known as bots.   Google will then regard your content as authoritative to help them rank your site above all others.



Another major part of getting your site ranked in Google is the art of generating backlinks.  Backlinks are incoming links to our website.  Once your keyword analysis and high-quality content are added to your website you will begin to attract backlinks from people interested in your services.  This, in turn, will show Googles spiders that you have high authority in your field and help your ranking capabilities.


Search engine optimization has countless strategies that can be imposed on your company to put you up there as a leading figure within your market.  To complement our SEO services we will use a combination of SEO, PPC, social media, and backlink techniques.


Please contact us by calling 07384 595408 or you can send a message via the contact form below.

Universal Digital LTD

17 Byron Way


Middlesex, UB4 8AT

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